Thursday, May 7, 2009

Acoustical aberrance or ultimate in fan convenience?

I've noticed something. No joke. I haven't been to the Interactive Yankeetainment Experience yet (and in fact I realized I can't make it to the one game with $5 tickets I was able to nab some seats for before the season started, so I might in fact be going back to my original vow never to set foot inside; $5 being the maximum I will spend to enter this limestone travesty), so maybe this is some sort of oddity of the TV microphones.

But...and really, this is not a joke, not based on the team's piss poor week, or on anything else. Am I the only one who has noticed that the ambient noise in the Interactive Yankeetainment experience is a medium-pitched whine akin to endless boos? Seriously, no matter what the crowd's actual reaction is, everything sounds like boos. Could it be the slats along the back of the upper deck causing the wind to whistle? I honestly have no idea, but the sound annoys the hell out of me, to the point where I can't watch a whole home game on TV.

Then again, given recent events, maybe it's just as well that the Interactive Yankeetainment Experience itself is doing the booing. After all, it saves us (well, those of us who feel like blowing a few days' pay on watching the fifth coming of the 2005 Yankees, which doesn't necessarily include me)  the trouble. Finally, a useful feature in this mafioso-wedding-factory of a ballpark.

As for tonight's game, as Tex would say, "We play today, we lose today. Dassit."

P.S.: Or is the Interactive Yankeetainment Experience telling us to hire Lou Piniella once we're done with this experiment of having a surly wax figure with a bad haircut as our manager?

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